The New Jailbreak iOS 8 x.y.z

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. This goes for all those who are sitting pretty in their Jailbreakers iOS 8.1.2 or earlier Taig Jailbreak.
 Apple has released iOS 8.2, in effect, killing Taig jailbreak for iOS 8.2 iOS 8.2 beta 1 and beta 2.We do not recommend upgrading to iOS 8.2 from now as it could be some time before they consider jailbreakable Therefore, users who are in iOS 8.2 (beta 1 and beta 2) are still better in those versions for some time. This was just an intermediate jailbreak was released by the Taig equipment for the convenience of users of iOS updated to iOS 8.1 .3 accidentally without much thought.

  About Jailbreaks hacked  in multiple purposes:

Apple launches us is due to the lack of exploitation .The reason for the slowdown jailbreak release time may depend on some factors.The most important behind the reason hackers will not release a jailbreak on the left, right and center, for each update.  lack of exploitation (exploits are as gaps firmware, so it can be hacked multiple purposes).
Expecting a new jailbreak to be released each time a new update to iOS XXX is available.While demanding for a jailbreak, a user must first realize that it is not a tennis match between Apple and Jailbreak community

iOS 8.2to be upgraded:

.After all jailbreak is not an official preference for Apple and, apparently, Cydia and associated violates a substantial number of the basic principles of Apple.For these following reasons, Apple has been working consciously (in each new upgrade) to deny the jailbreak of his previous versions especially when it comes to payment applications.

Therefore, as an enthusiastic jailbreake, one should never get ahead of them and update for each update only the App Store launches us.It is always important and it is essential that you sit and watch until the last jailbreak is revealed in all its glory, from one source or another.My only request to jailbreak all brothers not to upgrade to a new firmware is officially available as if you are really interested in using the jailbreak interface on a consistent basis. It is so painful for people like us to witness our users go through this not jailbreakable, as happened recently with iOS 8.1.3 struggle.

  Device of Jailbreak: 


 This is a virtue that previous teams like RedSn0w Jailbreak and evad3rs seemed to have followed Jailbreak release as sometimes delayed for several updates.As most of you know, the jailbreak is a game exploits. That means, "There is no more jailbreak and feats". This statement is a clear indication of why each loop hole in the firmware should not make use of all updates to fool.This is a virtue that previous teams like RedSn0w Jailbreak and evad3rs seemed to have followed Jailbreak release as sometimes delayed for several updates.
Over the years, it has become a kind of competition jailbreaking and so brought a number of new players as Pangu, Taig and ultimately PP jailbreak teams to the fore This is a virtue that previous teams like Red Snow Jailbreak and evad3rs seemed to have followed Jailbreak release as sometimes delayed for several updates. But what has made is that, in order to prove the greatness of each (no offense), each team has finished using all his exploits in iOS platform.Such a mistake could cost us more time to find new ways of jailbreaking more updates and, in turn delays the update Cydia and then know how long our favorite settings take to update.

Reviews iOS 8.2 firmware upgrades as seen both Apple and jailbreak community alike.The proximity of iOS 8.2 update could have been the reason why iOS 8.1.3 has been overlooked by teams jailbreak (and rightly so), which gives them more time and one unused exploited to make use of.However, this time, the story might be different.

 .Another bright spot now jailbreak teams Pangu and Taig are working together on the new jailbreak.Another small advantage is that users desperate Pangu team has come up with a work around solution.Pangu's team has named this process as "semi-jailbreak". The time since the release of iOS 8.1.2, you can certainly be optimistic and say that the new stable jailbreak for iOS 8.2 full version is around the corner. Personally, I think it's just a matter of one or two weeks.Anyway, the main point of this article, and the idea that they wanted to get to you, all my users, is:"Please do not update your i Device with delicious jailbreak and kill the jailbreak may not be able to return to full months, sometimes." This can be useful if you are a user without jailbreak stop everything This statement seems increasingly important as it will this year, as there is a wave of iOS changes in process at the time, as iOS (beta version released) 8.3, iOS 8.4 (Apple working on it) and iOS 9 which is, apparently, a few months away that everyone has taken
. You can not get Cydia substrate, but you can use Cydia interface through its own website in Safari browser as an application interface online On their website, they have a tool called tool "unofficial Pangu" by which you can use a lot of applications and settings Jailbreak, but not all

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