Specifications of iPhone 7 with 2 GB of RAM and A9 Chip-set

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A9 Chip-set and 2 GB of RAM: iPhone 7 Specifications
Apple tried to get away from Samsung A8 chipset iPhone 6, most of which were built by TSMC with Samsung picking up the crumbs. In 2015, however, this will change and Samsung and Apple will once again work together on the next generation of Apple A9 chips
"The balance of power has shifted back to Samsung," says RE / Code ", thanks to its advanced manufacturing technology. The same advantage is said to be putting pressure on Qualcomm, which has been the largest chip maker in high-end phones. Due in part to its own border manufacturing is expected to Samsung Exynos processors to use their phones in the next rather than Qualcomm Snapdragon 810, which is made in factories TSMC ".
Samsung semiconductor head Kim Ki-nam has confirmed Samsung will provide 14 nanometer processors to Apple for use within its 2,015 iPhones and iPads. Ki-nam confirmed this victory would have a huge effect on the bottom line of Samsung technological progress 2015 Samsung with its process of 14 nanometers, an area that has invested heavily in, swung the pendulum away from TSMC and forth in favor of Samsung
Samsung has invested a huge sum of money on your screen and semiconductor companies, a reported $ 21.4 billion. All this was done to ensure Samsung continues growing and profitable for 2015/16 and beyond.

. "Samsung LSI has not directly confirmed by Apple as its 14nm client. But the company was confident about 14nm FinFET ramp in the second half of this year during its Q4 2014 earnings call," said Strategy Analytics analyst Sravan Kundojjala. "Samsung LSI is trying to recover the share of applications processors with the help of chips 14nm FinFET after seeing a steady decline in share of shipments of AP in recent years."

Dr. Kinam Kim, president and CEO of Samsung's semiconductor business, told the newspaper Samsung earnings improve dramatically in 2015 with the addition of A9 14nm chips for Apple's next iPhone 7
The last piece of information comes via Apple Insider, citing an anonymous "person familiar with the future plans of Apple product, which has provided reliable information in the past." The source claims that Apple's iPhone 6s ship with 2GB of RAM on board. Of course we have heard similar recent past
For it may well do, since, according to the report that this could be part of a double blow to transfer new iPad features the iPhone - the same source is cited again as alleging that Apple will add its innovative Apple SIM from the air iPad 2 to 6s iPhone. Apple SIM "allows consumers to sign up for mobile data plans from any participating company directly from the Settings application without long-term contracts and change providers at any time," says the report.
iPhone launches and has not come to pass. As Apple Insider says; iPhone has stuck with 1GB of RAM as the iPhone 5 released in 2012.
However, there is another point of view here as it weighs about this new rumor is that Apple did update your iPad Air 2 tablets with 2GB of RAM, so one way or another this is really one thing that makes Apple now - will certainly make the leap to the phone category yet?
RBC Capital Doug Freedman believes Apple - along with a lot of manufacturers of Android phones - RAM will rise within their 2015 releases. This is why Freedman has all optimistic about Micron, a provider of RAM recently.

Unlike adding 2 GB of RAM, though, Apple SIM could be a controversial move with transport networks. Verizon SIM rejected Apple iPad 2 in air, whereas other companies place limitations on it. Apple may have been testing the waters before, however, in tablet form with data capability (amid falling sales of tablets in general) are not necessarily the alpha and omega as carriers are concerned. Apple has far more influence with the iPhone and it seems most likely carriers play ball if Apple gets aggressive - after all, what carrier can afford the risk of not offering the latest iPhone in its catalog?

"We believe that the expectation of the street is that the smartphone AAPL the '6S' could send 1.5-2GBs (or more) of DRAM on your smartphone, so that not only [Micron] losing unit volume, also experience less the impact of increased content, "he wrote. "AAPL be to 1GB of DRAM / phone during most of the year as 6.6 + will be sold until late September. We believe that AAPL could sell units 60-70mil" 6S "from October to December. So that means that if AAPL sees an increase of 1 GB of DRAM and assuming 95% of the units are of new generation, ie 65mil more GB of DRAM (units 65mil x 1 additional GB). The total content of AAPL would 130mil gigabytes of memory assuming DRAM 2GB / phone. Handling Samsung at least half 'would gigabytes DRAM content 65mil. The magnitude of change does not seem to justify the reduction in the price of the shares ".

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