Galaxy S6 and iPhone 6 Plus faced in the last batch of camera

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An Clear shoot Camera for Galaxy S6 and iPhone 6 Plus:

Galaxy S6 and iphone  6 Plus:

Samsung has not announced when its hot new S6 and S6 edge Galaxy Galaxy finally goes on sale in the United States, but our neighbors to the north have already spent a lot of time with the new smart phones.

You should not be jealous of your friends Canadians, however - instead, enjoy the fact that we're seeing some good informative content blasting for us to enjoy everything while we wait for the US release.
In this last example, the new Samsung Galaxy S6 has faced against the tried and true iPhone 6 Plus in a shoot camera for ages.

Further  reading : HTC One review M9

Camera Plus Apple iPhone 6 is easily one of the best smartphone cameras the world has ever seen. Number of low megapixel unit compared to its rivals means absolutely nothing, as we have seen time and time again proven. Photos captured in the 6 Plus are simply stunning.
But now, it seems that Samsung has finally shifted its focus away from simply increasing the number of megapixels of the Galaxy S6, a place that offers significantly improved performance from a camera with the same resolution as that found in the galaxy S5 last year .
The Canadian blog Syrup Mobile Galaxy camera recently put new S6 and improved 16 megapixel tested against the iPhone 6 Plus a mass shooting camera that covers a lot of different scenes. Outdoors, indoors, great lighting, low light ... all the bases are covered in this comparison Super camera.
And finally, the results might shock you.
A few examples of the comparison can be seen below (click to view them full size) and a link to the full shoot camera can be found in our section of origin.

Galaxy S6:

Samsung Galaxy S6

 Dimensions of Samsung Galaxy S6:

Dimensions of  Samsung Galaxy S6

iPhone 6 Plus:

Galaxy S6 and iPhone 6 Plus:

Galaxy S6:

iPhone 6 Plus:

1 comment :

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