
Galaxy S6 and iPhone 6 Plus faced in the last batch of camera

An Clear shoot Camera for Galaxy S6 and iPhone 6 Plus:

Galaxy S6 and iphone  6 Plus:

Samsung has not announced when its hot new S6 and S6 edge Galaxy Galaxy finally goes on sale in the United States, but our neighbors to the north have already spent a lot of time with the new smart phones.

You should not be jealous of your friends Canadians, however - instead, enjoy the fact that we're seeing some good informative content blasting for us to enjoy everything while we wait for the US release.
In this last example, the new Samsung Galaxy S6 has faced against the tried and true iPhone 6 Plus in a shoot camera for ages.

Further  reading : HTC One review M9

Camera Plus Apple iPhone 6 is easily one of the best smartphone cameras the world has ever seen. Number of low megapixel unit compared to its rivals means absolutely nothing, as we have seen time and time again proven. Photos captured in the 6 Plus are simply stunning.
But now, it seems that Samsung has finally shifted its focus away from simply increasing the number of megapixels of the Galaxy S6, a place that offers significantly improved performance from a camera with the same resolution as that found in the galaxy S5 last year .
The Canadian blog Syrup Mobile Galaxy camera recently put new S6 and improved 16 megapixel tested against the iPhone 6 Plus a mass shooting camera that covers a lot of different scenes. Outdoors, indoors, great lighting, low light ... all the bases are covered in this comparison Super camera.
And finally, the results might shock you.
A few examples of the comparison can be seen below (click to view them full size) and a link to the full shoot camera can be found in our section of origin.

Galaxy S6:

Samsung Galaxy S6

 Dimensions of Samsung Galaxy S6:

Dimensions of  Samsung Galaxy S6

iPhone 6 Plus:

Galaxy S6 and iPhone 6 Plus:

Galaxy S6:

iPhone 6 Plus:

Review for Second Generation E(MotorolaMoto E Gen 2)

Main Appearance:

1. Fast Achievement
 2.Admirable battery life3. Excellent for the demand

 This smartphone was a Game Changer, so much so that other brands like Micromax etc had to step up their game to remain relevant only. Last year, Motorola brought` acerca a paradigm shift in the market for low-end smartphones in India with its first generation Moto E, a preferred offering a decent screen, long battery life and processor is powerful enough phone to a segment that was just bad quality Android phones.

However, a year is a long time in the smartphone industry and the likes of Lenovo and Xiaomi meat with their own phones featuring recommended as features on the price point and improved Moto E when dealing with SUS greatest weakness: the camera.

But is the new Moto E good enough to withstand the storms that Lenovo A6000 and the new Xiaomi Redmi 2? Or are also minor improvements warning? We are at our Moto E (Gen 2) opinion ...Now Motorola is back with the second-generation smartphone Moto E, which provides much of the same features as STI Rs 6999 predecessor, but adding a slightly larger screen, a front camera, quad-core processor and a battery more potent mix.


While the second generation of the Moto X and G smartphones sporting designs that easily differentiate their predecessors, the second generation of Moto E sticks to the old look. Thus, a slightly larger screen in a package that is as thick (12.3mm at its thickest point) and heavy (145gram) as the first generation model is obtained.


You will notice at the front, the speaker've been moved from the bottom of the screen (in the first generation model) above the screen, with the front camera on ITS right. There are no hardware buttons, so that the front panel is very minimal when the screen is off.
The back is still curved, making easy the conclusion of the second generation of Moto E, even for people with small hands. Towards the top of the rear panel are the chamber surrounded with a metal ring and logo Motorola dimples. The buttons control volume and power are on the right side and sports a brushed metal look, making them easier to locate without looking.

A big change will notice the introduction of removable bands that Motorola has been used as a means to provide buyers little customization option. Although the bands are a little weak in terms of build quality for themselves, they are easy to get on the phone and complement the overall build quality of the smartphone. These bands also help hold the smartphone users, and they look the same finish as we saw in volume control button and power of the new Moto E.

In general, we agree with Motorola's strategy of not changing the design much: not fix something if it is not broke. The second generation of Moto Certainly E is ahead of competidores as Xiaomi Redmi 2 and Lenovo A6000 in design and construction, although it is a little heavy.


The increase in screen size (4.3 inches from the first generation model in the new 4.5-inch) means has decreased pixel density. Motorola has stuck to 540x960p resolution screen at a time when rivals offer HD (720x1280p) shows even Rs 6000. Although it may seem a deal, do not put too much on the numbers and original Feel that most users will is sufficiently satisfied with the quality of the screen of the new Moto E. How ever, no pixelation found, in part due to the color reproduction panel, masks the pixels which can be seen by the naked eye.

The new Smartphone does well in color reproduction as well, giving rich and vibrant colors that do not seem over saturated. Screen Moto E (Gen 2) 's performs well in direct sunlight and not lose color when used outdoors. However, the viewing angles still show room for improvement, even though they are better than we have seen in the first generation of Moto E.

Breed of Hardware

Is it still 1GB of RAM, but twice as internal storage (8GB) is obtained. In the camera department finally reach snapper Self-timer but only VGA resolution, while bats after the resolution of 5MP shots. Inside, the Moto E (Gen 2) model available in India runs on the same 1.2 GHz Snapdragon processor and 200 STI predecessor, but has four cores now. The battery has increased capacity (2,080mAh to 2,390mAh), while the suite connectivity remains the same (2G, 3G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.0 and microUSB 2.0).

We tested this model in the recently concluded Mobile World Congress Telephony; read our first impressions of Moto E 4G, Motorola has introduced a 4G enabled Moto E as well, but yet to reach the Indian market. To have a slightly higher price than the 3G model, esta smartphone runs on the new 64-bit processor quad-core 1.2GHz Snapdragon 410, while the rest of the features remain the same.

Breed of Software:

Almost company uses a standard version of latest mobile operating system from Google, adding some of your own applications and functions on the default skin. As with their previous smartphones, Motorola Android values ​​used in the second generation of Moto E also esta while giving us an idea of ​​5,0 Lollipop. However, that has all the features seen in previous Motorola smartphones.

It is a very useful feature because it does not need to wake the smartphone ever to see the time and some alerts may have to lose. The most notable active notifications look similar screen showing missed calls and messages, alerts, application, etc. Even when the new Moto E is in sleep mode.You also get the Motorola brief camera, Moto Assist and migrate applications preloaded on your smartphone. The Moto Assist is very intelligent,keep the smartphone in different modes (namely sleep and assembly) Depending on your schedule.First, you will notice lots of animations Design Material and configure multiple profiles be reliable. Not much to talk about when it comes acerca software in the smartphone unless they have not used Android Lollipop values.


The stock Android build Lollipop ensures that most of the processes are easily handled by esta smartphone inexpensive, with slick animations giving a sense of speed even though the processor is miles away from the fastest on the market . The first Moto E was a decent performer and the new edition Improving upon that foundation a little, but not much.Applications are quick to start, but heavy games tend to take the time to open. Running games like Asphalt 8 without problems is a problem, but as Subway Surfer light are good to go. Although certainly not a beast, the new Moto E is sufficient for most tasks you do on your smartphone. The default browser is Chrome, so you will see all tabs at multitasking view esta feature unless you turn off application configuration.The view cascading menu multitasking smartphone gave us any problems at all, just so pretty easy switching between tasks.Even at full volume, the sound will not crack; It can easily be used as speaker esta smartphone night. As a multimedia device, Moto E is decent. The front facing speakers still only offer Mono output, but the audio quality has improved significantly in the previous iteration of Moto E. Playing video is well whether high HD video as Full HD video show a lot frame drops.Battery life remains the highlight of the Moto series E. The 2,390mAh battery is large, offering duration of a half day on a single charge with moderate use and one day even with heavy use.

 Camera Setting:

Natural colors and white balance is about right, take the camera shots are nebulae and appearing a little overexposed appear. The 5MP camera Moto E (Gen 2) is acceptable at best, delivering pictures that lack detail. Even though the camera has HDR, captured in the this mode shots do not go too well.It makes little sense for Motorola to strap on a front camera with resolution as low esta age of selfies. The front camera has VGA resolution, but not useful to take selfies. The resulting grainy images even under the best of enlightenment.In general, the camera remains one of the low points of the new Moto E, and I advise you to stay away if taking pictures is one of its main goals with a smartphone.

Moto E (Gen 2) vs Xiaomi:

In all other parameters, the two smartphones Privacy Policy equals record with Moto E Redmi edging past 2 when it comes to applications fast opening, like the skin of Xiaomi MIUI relativamente slows faster processor. This is a question that many buyers are likely to have. In our experience with the two smartphones, you must choose Redmi 2 only when a camera is very important for you, as this is where the smartphone Xiaomi truly excels on Motorola phone.
Although a small update, Moto E (Gen 2) is an excellent smartphone at Rs 6999 and offers a lot for the price. We recommend buying the new Moto E, but if you can wait a few weeks, stay for the 4G model, which has a faster processor and offers more capacity long-term operation.

While the camera is a disappointment, the smartphone is pretty good overall despite not using too many changes.

A Small Top Secrets With best offers that Every iphone can Perform

Take a Look into Your iPhone could perform incredibly fresh and without application of Mac automatically unlocks the computer as you approach it.  Apple is aware.From top to bottom, all device features are second nature to you, and you are constantly helping family and friends discover new features n their own iPhones.
Even if you have owned all of Apple iPhone has launched upward to the iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus can still features baked into smartphones

Here are five things a little secret can make your iPhone power users might be familiar with, but most people have no idea.If you are a fan, ventilation technology expert iPhone, chances are pretty good that the iPhone is open for you i book.For everyone else, however, a wide range of functionality packed into the Apple iPhone. It has not been discovered yet.

 Character of section and Mute  communication :

 There is nothing worse than being included in a huge group text with no end in sight. Actually, there is one thing worse: spam messages.Then tap the "i" next to the phone number and select "Block this caller" at the bottom of the screen.Fortunately, Apple iPhones can address both problems recently added software features.To block a spammer who is sending text messages or messages iMessage, just open conversations and tap "Details" in the upper right corner. . Click on "Details" on the top right corner of a chat and then tap the slider next to "Do Not Disturb" so that it slides to the right.From the conversations I would like dumb without blocking contacts completely, there is no easy solution for that too

  Control actions:

Even if you are a power user smarter out there, could not have known that it is possible to control the iPhone with simple gestures head. As noted in a previous post, here's how to activateThis is one of several interesting things hidden from most users, and you will find the means to allow the head gesture control in the accessibility section of the application configuration.

Use a power camera, mode then left and adjustment system Siri.Now he's back and press the control switch ON.
Open Settings and go to:General> Accessibility> Control Switch In other words, I want the camera to me and when I shake my head to the left, I want the system to open Siri. Touch Switches to add a new switch. You should see some blue rectangles scan each item on the screen. Shake your head to the left. Siri should appear.

 Name Help Siri Pronounce correctly:

.This is a feature which aroused great enthusiasm among technology enthusiasts who care about privacy. The next time Siri messes up his name, only responded with "not pronounce my name correctly." Siri will ask how to pronounce and use the pronunciation corrected advance.Show everywhere have been:Fortunately, there is an easy solution. Siri is quite large when it comes to helping find information and make things using only his voice, but sometimes Siri has trouble pronouncing his name. In fact, sometimes Siri can not even pronounce the common names correctly Did you know that unless you disable the function, the iPhone tracks wherever you go and stores all data location? It then uses this information to customize your experience on some key issues. Apple says that this data is well protected though, and it's actually quite useful if you're comfortable with it.He looks everywhere you have recently been in here, and you can easily disable if it makes you uncomfort

  Physical camera shutter button:

The picture Quality of iPhone Using the volume button makes the experience more like using a real camera, and you find his hands move much less this way too, so photos look best In the camera application by default, you have to not wring their hands and press the shutter button on the screen to take a picture

The New Jailbreak iOS 8 x.y.z

. This goes for all those who are sitting pretty in their Jailbreakers iOS 8.1.2 or earlier Taig Jailbreak.
 Apple has released iOS 8.2, in effect, killing Taig jailbreak for iOS 8.2 iOS 8.2 beta 1 and beta 2.We do not recommend upgrading to iOS 8.2 from now as it could be some time before they consider jailbreakable Therefore, users who are in iOS 8.2 (beta 1 and beta 2) are still better in those versions for some time. This was just an intermediate jailbreak was released by the Taig equipment for the convenience of users of iOS updated to iOS 8.1 .3 accidentally without much thought.

  About Jailbreaks hacked  in multiple purposes:

Apple launches us is due to the lack of exploitation .The reason for the slowdown jailbreak release time may depend on some factors.The most important behind the reason hackers will not release a jailbreak on the left, right and center, for each update.  lack of exploitation (exploits are as gaps firmware, so it can be hacked multiple purposes).
Expecting a new jailbreak to be released each time a new update to iOS XXX is available.While demanding for a jailbreak, a user must first realize that it is not a tennis match between Apple and Jailbreak community

iOS 8.2to be upgraded:

.After all jailbreak is not an official preference for Apple and, apparently, Cydia and associated violates a substantial number of the basic principles of Apple.For these following reasons, Apple has been working consciously (in each new upgrade) to deny the jailbreak of his previous versions especially when it comes to payment applications.

Therefore, as an enthusiastic jailbreake, one should never get ahead of them and update for each update only the App Store launches us.It is always important and it is essential that you sit and watch until the last jailbreak is revealed in all its glory, from one source or another.My only request to jailbreak all brothers not to upgrade to a new firmware is officially available as if you are really interested in using the jailbreak interface on a consistent basis. It is so painful for people like us to witness our users go through this not jailbreakable, as happened recently with iOS 8.1.3 struggle.

  Device of Jailbreak: 


 This is a virtue that previous teams like RedSn0w Jailbreak and evad3rs seemed to have followed Jailbreak release as sometimes delayed for several updates.As most of you know, the jailbreak is a game exploits. That means, "There is no more jailbreak and feats". This statement is a clear indication of why each loop hole in the firmware should not make use of all updates to fool.This is a virtue that previous teams like RedSn0w Jailbreak and evad3rs seemed to have followed Jailbreak release as sometimes delayed for several updates.
Over the years, it has become a kind of competition jailbreaking and so brought a number of new players as Pangu, Taig and ultimately PP jailbreak teams to the fore This is a virtue that previous teams like Red Snow Jailbreak and evad3rs seemed to have followed Jailbreak release as sometimes delayed for several updates. But what has made is that, in order to prove the greatness of each (no offense), each team has finished using all his exploits in iOS platform.Such a mistake could cost us more time to find new ways of jailbreaking more updates and, in turn delays the update Cydia and then know how long our favorite settings take to update.

Reviews iOS 8.2 firmware upgrades as seen both Apple and jailbreak community alike.The proximity of iOS 8.2 update could have been the reason why iOS 8.1.3 has been overlooked by teams jailbreak (and rightly so), which gives them more time and one unused exploited to make use of.However, this time, the story might be different.

 .Another bright spot now jailbreak teams Pangu and Taig are working together on the new jailbreak.Another small advantage is that users desperate Pangu team has come up with a work around solution.Pangu's team has named this process as "semi-jailbreak". The time since the release of iOS 8.1.2, you can certainly be optimistic and say that the new stable jailbreak for iOS 8.2 full version is around the corner. Personally, I think it's just a matter of one or two weeks.Anyway, the main point of this article, and the idea that they wanted to get to you, all my users, is:"Please do not update your i Device with delicious jailbreak and kill the jailbreak may not be able to return to full months, sometimes." This can be useful if you are a user without jailbreak stop everything This statement seems increasingly important as it will this year, as there is a wave of iOS changes in process at the time, as iOS (beta version released) 8.3, iOS 8.4 (Apple working on it) and iOS 9 which is, apparently, a few months away that everyone has taken
. You can not get Cydia substrate, but you can use Cydia interface through its own website in Safari browser as an application interface online On their website, they have a tool called tool "unofficial Pangu" by which you can use a lot of applications and settings Jailbreak, but not all

Without jailbreak How to install iOS GBA4iOS 8 - 8.1.2

 The Apple company still warns that Apple would manage to close all loopholes to stop distributing emulators, but we hope that this would not last longGBA4iOS 2.1 has all the features you get this feature excellent emulator game pad support including synchronization MFi , Dropbox and also includes options for wireless multiplayer.
 Installing the application with the help of maintenance i Emulators requires trust a certificate that has been established by an unauthorized and unknown Chinese company.

 He has waited a long time that this version for the installation of gaming applications would be available for a longer period of time and close all the gaps as quickly as possible.
For those who have lost GBA4iOS tool in their new devices that are eight iOS, good news continues. It was true that Apple has closed the lagoon distribution to install the jailbreak tweak after device It also seems that a new game company certificate trick despite the new date trick no longer works, because this version is compatible with all iOS 8 devices including the latest iOS 8.2. . But now people could play their favorite games even though the company Apple does not allow, with the help of emulators. Yes, GBA4iOS 2.1 could be installed with the help of iEmulators on all iOS 8.1 devices.

About GBA4iOS:

 The GBA4iOS is a beta release of version 2.1 and has defined new custom skins, new brand logo, the introduction has been animated, support for multiplier, etc., some users report that this latter feature is not much to operate although the developers have planned launch version 2.1 fully compatible with multiplier.This is an interesting but complete GBA emulator available for iOS and helps users to play GBA, original Game Boy, Game Boy Color, etc. With this application you can save the game at any point of time with the help of a browser application

Now, the company has launched a beta full of work that would be able to cope with the rapid movements of Apple to fix the exploits GBA4 users have been using for distributed applications openly. . Users can also enjoy unlimited Dropbox integration ROM s to easily manage and enjoy other features such as tailored suit-defined skins, fast forward, Airplay support, MFI controllers support and much more.

Easy Steps to install iOS GBA4iOS 8:


 Easy Steps to Download:

1. Visit the official website GBA4ios from the safari browser here GBA4iOS 2.1.2. Tap the icon to GBA4iOS huge version 2.13. Scroll down to hit the Install button4. Another dialog box will pop up asking the user to confirm the installation5. Return to the main screen to install GBA4iOS6. Start the application7. Google search to help find and download ROM s.This method seems to work for many people and is a better way to enjoy unlimited games on the iOS device. The configuration interface puts all controls to adjust frame rates and help in saving game progress etc.